So remember how I thought that I was getting transferred? And remember how I actually didn't get transferred? So yup. I'm still here in Olanchito. Si hombre!
We found out about transfers Monday night. Ahhhh, it was so hard to concentrate on our lessons because Hermana Muñoz and I were freaking/stressing out about changes all that day. When we got home we had a message from our ZL's that said, "Hermana Muñoz, you have changes." And we were like: "
what." It was completely unexpected. We thought that I would be the one to go, because I had three transfers in Olanchito and Hermana Muñoz only had two. But nope. Life is full of surprises.
You guys all know me: I cry. I cry a lot. And yup, this week was no exception. I cried a ton. Saying goodbye to Hermana Muñoz was so hard. SO hard. She's one of my best friends. But she's not gone for forever! She got called to be a sister training leader over my part of the mission! That means that she's going to come to Olanchito once every transfer to go on divisions with all of the hermanas. And she's coming back this week on Thursday! I'm so excited to go out and teach and be companions with her again, even if it's just for a day. But we're going to ask President Klein if we can be companions again for Hermana Muñoz's last transfer in the mission. Fingers crossed that he says yes!
On Tuesday we spent all day saying goodbye to people. Ahhhhhh, y que difícil fue. I was crying basically all day. And then I was helping Hermana Muñoz pack up all of her stuff that night, and the power went out. Just like it does every Tuesday here in Olanchito. The power was out for forever too. Like 4 hours. It didn't come back until like 10 at night. And we were starving because we hadn't eaten dinner and we were all sweaty and gross because Honduras is HOT but we couldn't take a shower because we haven't had water in our house for like a week. I thought that bucket shower life was sad, but hey, bucket showers are better than no showers. But anyway, after the power came back on, the Familia Fajardo (our neighbors who are members of the church) came over to say goodbye to Hermana Muñoz. Hermana Fajardo was like, "Have you guys eaten dinner today?" And we told her that we hadn't, and she was like, "Brb I'm gonna go cook food for you guys." And we were like, "SI HOMBRE. BENDICIONES." Awwwww, Hermana Fajardo is like my mom here in the mission. She's amazing. I'm going to miss her so much when I leave Olanchito. But yeah, she made us tajadas, which is a typical meal here in Honduras. You take some unripened bananas and slice them up and fry them and then eat them with beans and cream and scrambled eggs or with cabbage and sauce and ground beef.....yeah, it sounds gross. But it's actually really good. I'll make you all some tajadas when I get back to the States. AMERICA.
We left Olanchito at 3:00 AM Wednesday morning to travel to La Lima for transfer meeting. And oh my gosh, weird people hang out in the bus stations here in Honduras at 3 in the morning. There was this drunk woman in the bus terminal that trying to dance with the elders and grab their butts and stuff and she almost started to take off her clothes and we were like K LET'S GO. Freaking crazy drunk woman. I was scared.
But anyway, we got to transfer meeting and I got my new companion, Hermana Urresta. She's from Ecuador. She's great! She's the first companion I've had that's taller than me. She doesn't look like she's Latina. She has pretty white skin and green eyes. But anyway, her English is pretty good! I need to do a better job of helping my companions learn English. I'm just so used to speaking in Spanish.
After transfers, we had to catch a bus back to Olanchito. But because this week was Semana Santa, everyone in this freaking country was traveling. There was barely any room on the bus. We all had to stand up in the aisles because there weren't any seats left. For four. freaking. hours. It was terrible. I wanted to die.
But no se preocupen porque ja llegamos otra vez a Olanchito!
And oh the miracles that I had this week:
- When I was with Hermana Muñoz, we found two amazing investigators, Sharron and Giovanni. We only taught them one time, but they were super receptive and wanted to learn more! We kept trying to go back and visit them, but for a month we were never able to find them. But this week, Hermana Urresta and I saw them sitting outside their house! So we went over and talked to them and then taught them the plan of salvation. We asked if they had any questions, and Giovanni was like, "Sí, yo quiero saber más sobre José Smith. Quien era él?" And so we gave him a pamphlet about the Restoration and we're going back to teach them this week. A miracle.
- We have two investigators named Heyson and Elmer. Elmer is super masiso! He's reading The Book of Mormon every day, and he told us that his goal is to read the entire Book of Mormon! We went over to their house this week and we watched the DVD of the Restoration. Heyson wasn't that interested in the church before, but after this lesson, she was like, "I'm going to cancel all of my appointments next Sunday so that I will be able to go to church. And I want you guys to come over tomorrow and teach me how to pray." A miracle.
- Saturday morning, Sunilda, one of my investigators, called us. We talked for a little bit, and she asked me where they sent Hermana Muñoz. I told her that she was close, only two hours away in La Ceiba. And she said, "Oh, perfect! Because I want her to come to my wedding and my baptism. I'm going to get married becuase I want to be baptised in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." A miracle.
- Alex, the boy who was baptized a couple of weeks ago, came with us to some of our lessons this week. And he was so excited to do missionary work! He was like, "Bueno, queremos compartir un mensaje con usted. Quiere escuchar?" And he was like, "Hermana Holdaway, I want to come back and give these people a Book of Mormon." And when he shared his testimony of the church, the Spirit was so strong. Alex is amazing. He always prays that he will have the chance to be a good missionary. Ahhhhh, my heart is always so happy to hear that. Alex is a miracle.
I love my mission. I'm so grateful to be here in Honduras sharing this wonderful message with the people here. This is the work of the Lord. And I'm so happy for the opportunity that I have to be a part of it. The Church is true!
I love you all. I'm praying for you always! Be happy!
Hermana Holdaway
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